what is considered the order of statin strength from lowest effect to highest?

Typical Statin Regimen

These drugs are taken as pills (tablets) and pharmacies acquit formulations in different dosages. The dosage is in the milligram level - roughly 10 mg to 100 mg per day, depending on the blazon of statin and the needs of the patient. Patients who begin a statin drug regimen are by and large prescribed the depression doses, although increased dosages may be given to those who have suffered a middle attack. Unlike strengths may be given to those needing to lower their LDL cholesterol levels by less than 30 percent equally compared to those who need to lower their LDL levels by thirty percent or more.

Statins are by and large taken equally a single dose taken in the evening. The fourth dimension of solar day the drugs are taken is important because the liver makes more cholesterol during the nighttime. Occasionally, pills may be split (e.g., a 40 mg. pill into ii 20 mg. pills) in order save money, just a doctor should ever be consulted before doing this.

Research into a once-every-two-days schedule shows that the dosage must be double to get the same upshot equally one-per-twenty-four hours pills. Because it's easier for patients to think a one time-per-day regimen, this is how most doctors recommend people take the medicine.

Statins kickoff working right away and produce measurable reductions in cholesterol levels in a few weeks. They don't stop eye attacks or strokes in the showtime few weeks, but that is to be expected. They are taken for the long run. Maximum effects are reached in four to viii weeks as far as claret plasma levels of lipids, longer for tissue levels of lipids. Once you brainstorm taking statins, you lot can typically look to remain on them indefinitely unless at that place is a meaning reduction in other risk factors, such every bit the loss of a large amount of weight or the cessation of smoking. If you are on a statin regimen and then stop, expect your cholesterol level to return to where it was at prior to the statin treatment.

pharmacistIn improver to the level of cholesterol in the blood, there are a number of other factors that doctors accept into consideration before prescribing statin drugs. Family history, lifestyle, claret pressure, age, full general wellness, presence of diabetes, weight and smoking habits all can have dramatic effects on cholesterol levels. Patients with a history of middle affliction or a center assail will likely be prescribed statin drugs in larger doses than other patients with the same cholesterol level.


Like most drugs, the higher the dosage of statins, the greater the benefits (and side effects). Medical community guidelines and doctor discretion establish the dosage for each patient. The trade-off between risks and benefits is what sets the dosage. A rule-of-pollex adult years ago is the "rule of 7" - for every doubling in dosage results in a 7% reduction in serum LDL levels.

The presence of food in the stomach can change drug absorption and exposure. Most of the time nutrient with a high fat content increases the drug AUC. AUC stands for area under the curve and is used in pharmacokinetics. If yous plot concentration of the drug in the claret over time, the area under that curve is an indicator of total drug exposure.

Statins are taken indefinitely. Your doc should monitor your general health and lipid profile over time and change your regimen as appropriate. The idea is that statins are maintenance medicine for the long term, non for a short-term fix. Concerns about long-term (e.g. decades) use have not resulted in systematic changes to handling guidelines.

Availability, Compliance, and Other Lifestyle Changes

Your doctor may besides suggest practise or a diet low in fats, sugars and/or cholesterol forth with or in lieu of a statin drug regimen.

Patients often forget to take their statins. People with cardiovascular bug who know they accept the problems tend to be better at taking the medicine regularly than people who are taking them strictly for prevention.

Every decent-sized pharmacy carries the most pop statins because they are and then widely used.

For toll reasons, some people use internet or mail-order pharmacies. although this practice has declined since the almost pop statin drugs became available in generic form.

Some doctors, faced with patient complaints about side furnishings, advise taking the drug every other day or even just once a calendar week. Fifty-fifty if this regimen does not have a lot of effect on side effects it might get the patients to push through an initial period of discomfort.

There is a gamble that in the future statins will be available over-the-counter. Some people feel this will increase usage and make patients more probable to stay on the pills.

People who are taking statins for preventative reasons run across less visible short-term benefits and may tend to stop taking the drugs. This may put a wrinkle in plans to vastly expand administration of statins to people with low take a chance for prophylactic purposes. Although public wellness authorities may experience widespread statin utilize is a good idea, the compliance level will probably fall as the share of the population using them increases. Reports from many doctors and nurses suggest that involving the patient and making patients an active function of shared-decision making may in fact exist the all-time way to reach adherence to statin regimens.

Missing a Dose and Taking Too Many

Ask your physician most what to practise if you miss a pill. Usually the standard advice for daily prescription drugs is that if you miss a solar day, don't try to double upwardly the side by side day. Just go forwards with your normal schedule and take the same dosage as normal the side by side day. Your md will probably tell you the same thing for statins.

Manufacturers typically recommend taking statins at night, reasoning that the body makes cholesterol during periods of starvation (overnight). Studies mentioned in the British periodical Bandolier testify it makes trivial difference when the statin is taken. when the statin is taken.

It is hard to significantly harm yourself from consuming too many statins. All drugs tin can exist dangerous when consumed in high dosages, merely statins are quite prophylactic. If for some reason you lot exercise swallow a large number of pills, call your local poison control service. In the Us, call 1-800-222-1222.

Framingham Chance Scoring

Importing statins from pharmacies in other countries

Brand names of statins

Interference with other medications

Like all prescription medications, statins tin be taken only with a doctor'south approval and the patient should be under a doc's supervision. Be sure your doctor knows all medicines y'all take, including ones prescribed by other physicians and over-the-counter drugs.

The nature and dosage of your medications may affect what statin the doctor prescribes, at what level and dosage, or fifty-fifty if a statin is given at all.

These drugs are of detail concern:

Antifungals (including medicine for ringworm and athlete's pes)

Ciclosporin, oft used to suppress immune response in organ transplant (this drug produces an adverse reaction with many other medicines)

Digitalis or Digoxin (make name Lanoxin) - the widely used eye medication. Use with atorvastatin, fluvastatin, or simvastatin may increase claret levels of digoxin beyond the target level. Fibrates - often given to people with high triglycerides, another lipid disorder. Also called fibric acid derivatives and sold every bit Lopid, TriCor, and Atromid.

Niacin - a vitamin used to fight cholesterol problems. However, in that location are indications that use with a statin can increment the chances of rhabdomyolysis and kidney problems. Tin can exist prescription or over-the-counter.

Steroids, including synthetic testosterone and nascency control pills.

Calcium-channel blockers used for blood pressure, which may increase the risk of rhabdomyolysis when used with statins

Some antibiotics (including erythromycin) and antiviral protease inhibitors (including saquinavir (Invirase), ritonavir (Norvir), indinavir (Crixivan), nelfinavir (Viracept), and amprenavir (Agenerase)).

Medical Conditions your doctor must be enlightened of when prescribing statins

The doctor should besides be aware of your entire medical history, as this may influence the pick of statin and dosage. Make certain your medico knows about tendencies for depression claret pressure or seizures and recent or upcoming surgery (including dental surgery). Also of concern are:

Alcohol problems, past or present. (More on alcohol and statins)

Liver affliction - a blood test to bank check for liver role is a routine part of statin medication care. Transaminase - a class of enzyme in the liver - is monitored in patients on statins. Elevated transaminase levels in the claret is a sign of possible liver harm.

Kidney issues

Electrolyte imbalances or metabolism problems

Organ transplants and any other infection

Intermittent dosing.

Statins and drug holidays.


Source: https://www.statinanswers.com/regimen.htm

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