Imperial Agent How Does I Get Kaliyo Back

  1. 2011-12-30,08:10 PM #1

    Kaliyo before Corellia (Imperial Agent) *POSSIBLE SPOILERS*

    So I just finished up Voss and when I got back to Intelligence some guys showed up and kidnapped Kaliyo from me, does anyone know when I'll get her back?

  2. 2011-12-30,09:14 PM #2

    JustintimeSS is offline

    Scarab Lord JustintimeSS's Avatar

    Just a thought.... keep doing the quest line.

    You can't lose companions anymore. Everyone get's all of them if you finish your class quest line.

  3. 2011-12-30,09:46 PM #3

    Makes sense. It's just a bit tedious when you lose the best fitted companion you have

  4. 2011-12-30,11:34 PM #4

    mystik is offline


    the thread title is kind of a spoiler. you'll get her back following your class quest on corellia though

  5. 2011-12-30,11:36 PM #5

    Saintphoenix is offline

    High Overlord Saintphoenix's Avatar

    Dude no tedious would be nothing interesting happening in ur class quest, that sounds anything but tedious

  6. 2011-12-31,12:18 AM #6

    Thornstar is offline


    So by reading MMo champion today you spoiled apart of my story for me. Thanks. I mean putting spoiler in the title is one thing, but when you put it in the thread title it really defeats the purpose.

  7. 2011-12-31,12:42 AM #7

    Sativex is offline

    Dreadlord Sativex's Avatar

    yeah, I agree with the others...

    Way to fuck up my grind to 50, the story was the best part of leveling, I've been trying to shield myself from threads telling me what happens. I thought this thread was about another bug in the game.

    can you change the title to something else please, maybe something like:

    Imperial Agent Class Quest Spoiler - Corellia
    Last edited by Sativex; 2011-12-31 at 12:47 AM.

    Quote Originally Posted by GrinnersGrin View Post

    If Tinkers aren't the next class in WoW I'll shit in my hands and clap then eat my shoe.

  8. 2011-12-31,08:18 AM #8

    Shinryu is offline


    You guys are serious lols, I bet everyone one of you complaining already looked up all the companions months before the game came out anyways, so really doubting you're spoiling much. Unless you are one of the very few people who live under rocks like losers and deprive themselves of sight and sound before a game launches, in which case what a cold 3 years it must've been since swtor was announced in 2008 or whenever.

    Also, fuck off whoever Buckwald is.

    Infracted. - Buckwald
    Last edited by Shinryu; 2012-01-01 at 09:50 PM.

  9. 2011-12-31,08:42 AM #9

    Jamber is offline

    Bloodsail Admiral Jamber's Avatar

    Quote Originally Posted by Shinryu View Post

    You guys are serious lols, I bet everyone one of you complaining already looked up all the companions months before the game came out anyways, so really doubting you're spoiling much. Unless you are one of the very few people who live under rocks like losers and deprive themselves of sight and sound before a game launches, in which case what a cold 3 years it must've been since swtor was announced in 2008 or whenever.

    WOW, hate-filled response right here. It was very easy to not hear anything about SWTOR on the internet, and harder to find decent information that you could rely on. The NDA was in effect for a very long time for this exact reason, and I must say, it did well, because even if you looked hard, you still couldn't get all the info on the story. I must admit, this topic did have an unfortunate title, I'm just glad I got past that part before it came to be.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shinra1 View Post

    ...because being black means you can't be racist only prejudice.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shinra1 View Post people have no power, privilege they cannot be racist since they were oppressed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shinra1 View Post

    Did you just compare slavery to the holocaust? Don't compare them. The holocaust lasted 4 years while slavery lasted for well over 200 years at least in the US FYI

  10. 2011-12-31,08:46 AM #10

    NatePsy is offline

    Orcboi NatePsy's Avatar

    Quote Originally Posted by JustintimeSS View Post

    Just a thought.... keep doing the quest line.

    You can't lose companions anymore. Everyone get's all of them if you finish your class quest line.

    SPOILER! Regarding Sith Warrior storyline, highlight at your own risk.

    Are you sure? Because

    I had the option to kill Malavai Quinn for betraying me for Baras. But I was worried I'd lose him so I spared him
    Last edited by NatePsy; 2011-12-31 at 08:51 AM.

  11. 2011-12-31,09:26 AM #11

    Jamber is offline

    Bloodsail Admiral Jamber's Avatar

    Quote Originally Posted by NatePsychotic View Post

    SPOILER! Regarding Sith Warrior storyline, highlight at your own risk.

    Apparently, my friend tried to, but wasn't allowed to.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shinra1 View Post

    ...because being black means you can't be racist only prejudice.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shinra1 View Post people have no power, privilege they cannot be racist since they were oppressed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shinra1 View Post

    Did you just compare slavery to the holocaust? Don't compare them. The holocaust lasted 4 years while slavery lasted for well over 200 years at least in the US FYI

Imperial Agent How Does I Get Kaliyo Back


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